Journey into Your Magick

Expand Your Energetic Brilliance through inner soul discovery. 

Embody + Radiate your Soul Power through the morphogenic field. Every action that you take touches the hologram of the Universe. You are much more powerful than you know. Learn to love yourself even more deeply and to harness this power and connection to the Universe for incredible IMPACT + Success. 


Gorgeous Magickal Star Light,

We are soul honored and excited to vibe with you in this sacred space.

You are here which means your soul has guided you to this space. 

There is a sparkle inside of you, that is telling you that there is so much more undiscovered magic in your own Universe.  There is a version of you waiting to blossom. The version of you who is fully expressed.

When you do you, the Universe hears your song. The Universe responds, dances and vibes with you. The Magick and potency of your Magick, is your unique soul frequency expressed. 

 You are ready to re-awaken your own powerful energy and light. You know you were born for something incredible, and you are ready to ignite that within yourself. You are ready to claim being the CEO of your own Universe.

You know that awakening and being powerful, does not mean to push, force, over-exert or burn out, yet rather to tune into your Inner Compass and allow it to lead you into the limitless possibilities of your becoming & creations.

You know that being powerful and magickal is simply to be plugged into Universal Wisdom that you are a part of and you are ready for the tools and next level mastery to sustain this Energy Connection.

The work is you unlocking the energetic genius within through the deepest level of self love.

When you are in your most brilliant Embodiment, when you are loved deeply within and without, everything that you have ever desired falls into place.The world flourishes in co-creation with you.  

The KEYS are all held within your own Physical Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body and Spiritual Body.  You are ready to access this Deep Wisdom within you connected to an Infinite Stream of Wealth, Energy, Creativity, Love and Light. 

This intimate journey with the self, is an invitation to activate and amplify your own portals and potency of Magick within. 

Here in this sacred container, illuminate your ability to alchemize & harmonize your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, and activate your 13 strand DNA so your Inner Compass always leads you home.

 We are soul excited to invite you to awaken the Magick in your own Sacred Body Temple in all the realms, so that you access even more magick in your everyday world.

You are your North Star.


Take me to my
Inner Magick!

Love note from Jenn + Samantha

Jenn + Samantha have been practicing energy wisdom for several lifetimes and we are soul clear that the power and the magick is already within you. With simple energy activations and key reminders, you'll remember how to access the North Star that is YOU. The Universe is always speaking to you daily. This course is designed to remind you how to hear the messages of your Spirit & the Universe. 

Our mission is to empower you so that you can share your amazing and incredible light with the planet. It brings both of us soul much joy to see you access your personal Spiritual Power and to use it with incredible wisdom and Unconditional Love.

Thank you for choosing us to be on this practice and journey with. We are soul honored to be vibing in this atmosphere with you, and we are soul excited to see your personal transformation come to life!

About Jenn + Samantha




If something inside of you is telling you that there is so much more magic in the world, that there is a starry existence that we can tap into beyond this current reality, Jenn is your go-to. She powerfully navigates the world of mystery and supports you in seeing the ocean waves and the depths, the magic that is you. When working with her, the beauty and the mysticism cannot be expressed into words, it can only be felt. When you love yourself the way she loves you, when you see yourself the way she sees you, it's inevitable for transformation to occur. She is the nourishing water, the nurturing soil, the fertilizer that takes you to your own next level of excellence. Her background is in Past Life Therapy, Family, Ancestral & Relationship Matrixes, BodyTalk, BodyIntuitive, Star Code Activations, Conscious Channeling, Shamanic Journeying, Theta Healing, Modernizing Ancient Rites of Passage and has developed her own method of Trigger Mapping, a system to align life experiences into heart coherence. Her purpose is to free the wild magick that is YOU.

Samantha loves seeing you transform at the speed of light. She is an Oracle that continues to remind you that you are your own North Star and that you are capable of creating anything that your being desires to create. She loves empowering clients with the ability to tune into their own Universal Power and Universal Wisdom. She believes that healing can feel blissful, easy and happen quickly. Her background is in BodyTalk, BodyIntuitive, Chinese Medicine, Hypnosis, NLP, Acupuncture, DNA Light Code Activations, Star Being Activations, Karuna Reiki, Accunect, Theta Healing and various other energy medicine modalities. Her purpose is to Activate and Awaken your Rainbow Light Body to accelerate your ascension process.

The energy to create worlds is inside of you.




Feel your Authentic Body Vibes

Get in Touch with your Sensuality

Listen to the Secret Messages from Your Body

Be in Touch with You + the Universe through your Body

Give yourself tools to easily bring your body back into parasympathetic rest & healing mode.



Hear the whispers from your Spirit

Strengthen your Inner Guidance System

Activate your Inner North Star

Bridging the Left & Right Brain

Rewiring the Brain

Strengthening your Rainbow Light Body

Purify your 5 Senses (touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight)




Learning how to work with the Medicine of your Emotions (joy/sadness, anger, worry, fear, grief)

Align your Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Bodies to create from the space of alignment with your Soul Light

Feel the energetic speed and momentum of the True You vibing with the Universe



Playing in the field of the alignment of the physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual bodies

Energy Alchemy

Tune into the Magick of synchronicities

Vibe at Universal Creation Speed

See Miracles in your Everyday World

Dance with the Cosmos

The Magick you'll RECEIVE:


• 22 Light Code Activations (10-15 min videos)
These Light Codes are infused into your every day world. We bring new perspectives into daily rituals such as drinking water, cooking, doing laundry, cleaning, working out, driving, working on your projects and so much more. It's designed to continually charge up your energy and bring new perspectives to bring magick and light into your every day world so that you always feel filled up.)

• 4 Modules @ 60 Minutes with worksheets, practices & journal prompts





• 4 Energy Medicine Alchemy Sessions
Each Soulit Energy Medicine session is designed to repair broken and damaged light codes that may have been passed down over generations. By releasing old programs that no longer serve you, you are more easily able to get in touch with your own unique North Star. Each session peels away layers to get you closer and closer to your unique guidance system.

• 2 Q&A Trainings

Diving deeper into the processing and unfolding



North Stars lighting up!


• BONUS Light Code Activations 


This inner & outer movement is for a lifetime. Every module, light code activation & energy alchemy session is meant to be revisited any time you want a boost and will continue to deepen the relationship to yourself & North Star.


♡ Inner & Outer Global Movement



♡ 4 Teaching Modules

♡ 4 Group Soulit Sessions 

♡ 2 Q&A on FB group

♡ 22 Sacred Rituals

♡ Soul Insight Journal Prompt pdf worksheets

Sign Me Up!


4 payments of $577/month

♡ 4 Teaching Modules

♡ 4 Group Soulit Sessions 

♡ 2 Q&A on FB group

♡ 22 Sacred Rituals

♡ Soul Insight Journal Prompt pdf worksheets

I'm so In!


You Lead,

the World follows

I Say Yes to my New World!




"I absolutely LOVE how you created this program already! It's so different than any program I have done"


"It's feeling great riding the waves between the old and the new and choosing more aligned connections working through the INTIMACY pieces I've watched are integrating."


"I have been crying so much in the past 3 days since the first Intimacy video. It didn't feel like sadness or depression.. it feels like cleansing"

"I love this! Each liquid elixir is a portal. Wow! I never heard it explained quite like this.  What an incredible adjustment."

"WOW I'm in Awwwe. This gave me the feels and taking gratitude to a whole new LEVEL.  This is my kind of Prayer."


"LOVE this course SO MUCH! so eye opening and learning to really be present and look at things through a brand new lens"


"Yes yes yes yes!!! I love this sooooul much. This resonates with me beyond words. Creating a new narrative rather than copy paste, copy paste.  Dismantling the self and oh HI.. it's nice to meet you new self."

"I've watched this a few times already and WOW, I have cried so much, I just lay in bed and let it happen. I felt a lot of fear leave me, blocks leaving me. Lots of body tingles throughout. Yay for saying yes"


"The magnet to join you both in this healing course was too strong to ignore!"


"This is my FAVORITE one so far!!! I really took in a lot of valuable information with this lesson and how I haven't felt safe in my body since I was a child. I focused on soothing rhythmic breathing all day yesterday and on being present in my body an re-establishing to my body that it is safe to breathe in life and let go at the same time. Thank you so much!"


"In three weeks time I moved, ended an 8 year relationship, quit my job, got a new job and increased my income 4X. I work from home, I get to workout every morning, walk my dog and play outside in the yard. Working 4 days a week and off 3 days.  From less than 1K months to 8K months in a few short weeks. It is so amazing. Validating. I see it. I feel it. I move the energy. It is all so beautiful"


"I am so aware of the shifts, embracing the changes, the quiet, the hours of journaling time, gratitude, expectations of great things, miracles, magic and love. Thank you Samantha & Jenn!"


"Omg this is Amazing! I definitely have had a shift in this exact topic. My bf started helping out more a few months ago and our relationship has completely changed.  I finally feel supported and that is HUGE"


"[Using the tools in Intimacy] I had a breakthrough with my shoulder pain. I was able to pin the pain point(s) and I focused on really talking to my body. I was intuitively guided to taking a bath. I felt like I was on autopilot, it was interesting. I keep a large Rose Quartz heart in my bathtub to work with. I put it on my pain area and started telling myself how awesome I am and so many good affirmations. I saw how I wasn't feeling supported by my spiritual team after taking on more spiritual responsibilities, but I didn't allow myself to adjust to the new possibilities. I felt like jelly when I was done and went to bed. 

Vivid Dream- My dream was so sweet and detailed. I was with a man i was having a relationship with. I got pregnant and during the entirety of it he supported me in every way. I felt so loved and taken care of. It wasn't stressful and I felt complete. It kind of feels like this being was sent to help my heal my trauma I've been carrying. This morning I have barely any shoulder pain. Just a little sore, but nothing like it was. I cried and thanked my body for being able to process this and I forgave myself for holding on for so long. Thank you Samantha & Jenn!"