

Your Business Matrix is a living, breathing energy field filled with magic. When you truly learn how to tap into these unique sacred soul codes, you'll find that you get to create even more joy + lightness + wealth in your business creation world.


By activating and awakening your soul genius on a deeper level, you'll naturally find new and creative ways that make your business come to life and be a vortex for wealth and bliss.

Is it YOUR TIME to find a more soul aligned way to operate that lights you up, creates more impact and allows more happy wealth to flow in? If you're feeling a soul body YES, then you have vibed into the perfect atmosphere for your next level evolution.

Yes! Let's Upgrade my Business Matrix!

Hi Gorgeous Star Light,


I know you're here because you’re an amazing entrepreneur and you're ready to take your business world to the next level. When you close your eyes, you see yourself booked out with your favorite sparkly clients and making more income than you ever imagined.

You know you're on your way, but you feel like there's some tiny little piece missing. That there's another key ingredient to your success and you can almost taste it, but it feels just out of reach.

I call this component, the behind the scenes energetics of your business.

The Energy Component.

Something inside is nudging you and reminding you that you're ready for more. You're ready to explore the energy that makes up your business so that your actions become even more powerful and more magnetic. You're fully ready to access more ease + flow while creating more income + impact.

You might be saying to yourself, "I'm doing all the strategies, what else can I do?"

At this point, it's more about BE-ing. And this is quite different for everyone. Most people haven't really been taught how to "Be". We've been deeply conditioned to tie our worth, value and income with what we "Do". What if I told you that your Greatest Wealth comes from you simply BE-ing? Such a new concept for our current world right?

So whether you are just starting out in your business or you're ready to scale to $1,000,000 a month, the energetics in this program will nourish you to your own next level style of success.

I know that with some simple energetic shifts, your entire world will shift. People will find you and vibe into your world instead of you having to chase your clients.

I totally get what it feels like to be so amazing at what you do, and still not quite seeing the results you're looking for. You've done all the strategies and it's working, but maybe not as well as you'd hoped. It can definitely feel frustrating, when you put so much energy into something and you're not quite getting the overflowing wealth you know you're capable of.

For the past 5 years I've specialized in supporting entrepreneurs with clearing out the sticky parts of their business so that business creation can be so much more fun and way more financially as well as energetically rewarding.

This is why SPARKLE ACADEMY: Business Matrix Energetics was created. So that you can have the step by step process in how to access more energy and feel more joy in your business more often of the time.


Here's how it works:

1. First, using energy medicine technology, we explore and Find what TRULY lights you up and your business up as well as what are the energetics that are slowing it down. This is beyond the mental thought realm as we're truly accessing the energy field. We get to explore together to paint a clear picture of what turns on your power, versus what turns off your power. What turns on your magnetism, versus what turns off your magnetism. We map these specific areas out, then strategize on how to create the optimal environment for you to express your soul genius.

2. Once we're clear on what fuels you and your Business Matrix, we Implement new Strategies so that you're in your Power more often of the time. Finding ways to continue to generate and tap into the infinite energy and power that is available to you from accessing your Soul Genius and Spirit Connection.

3. The final step is having you and Your Business Matrix energetically harmonizing to Open the Wealth Gates. This is where your Business becomes a Money Magnet + Sparkly Client Attraction happens because it's humming and buzzing with bubbling joy vibes.

Sparkle Up my Biz!
"Samantha is a cosmic superhero goddess that will change your life!!!
From the moment I first connected with her, my vibration was elevated with sparkly goodness and bliss!
Her authenticity, joy and light radiates juicy positivity through all she does.. and her depth of knowledge on all levels of mind, body, metaphysical, spiritual, money and more is beyond anyone I've EVER met!
Being in her sacred container will immediately expand you - her energy is infectious. She's helped me heal deep core wounds from this lifetime and beyond.
Her intuitive downloads and insights are like having a direct link to your Highest Self. She's been hand lifting me up, when I couldn't see the light or feel my power. She's ALWAYS there for you with words of wisdom, clarity and expansion.
My business increased by over 25% in our first month together and I've had my best days/weeks in business by thousands of dollars.
My relationships have harmonized in significant ways and my body is feeling lighter than ever. Samantha - continues to be such a light and gift to me. Knowing, connecting and working with you has inspired me beyond what words can communicate.
Thank you, thank you thank you!!! I love you SOULLLL MUCH!
-Brittany Gordien

What tools will we use together to empower you?


Human Design
Tuning into your Unique Aura Type, we get to explore your optimal way of functioning in the world to access more ease.

Gene Keys
Here we get to explore the subtle frequencies that nourish in understanding your own energy field on a deeper level.

Using BodyTalk we get to connect and communicate with your innate wisdom. Here we get to delete old belief systems, clear away past life programming as well as ancestral programming. This is a faster way to move energy out of your consciousness that is no longer serving you so that you can life more authentically.

Light Code Activations
This increases your Light Quotient. It speeds up your energetic operating system so that you can change and transform at a faster rate. This also allows your cells to hold more light energy so that you can operate at a higher level of consciousness more easily.

the Power of Contemplation
When you can feel it, you can heal it. When you can see it, you can change it. Through the power of contemplation, you can explore ways to make daily decisions that are more aligned with your Soul so that you create even more ease and wealth in your world.


Together, we'll be opening a portal to new levels of joyous wealth creation together.


Your innate wisdom talks to you through the feelings and the sensations in your body. As we learn to speak to your Spirit even more clearly, we'll feel the 'Sparkle' that let's you know you're on track for you.


Exploring what lights you up, what turns you off as well as looking at your soul blueprint through Human Design and Gene Keys, you get to see yourself from a deeper perspective.


Learn energy technology techniques that support you with attracting soul aligned clients that transform quickly and honor your work and love paying you.



Your offer is a journey that you take your client on, an adventure. Together we'll explore ways to create an even more joyous journey for you and your client.


Sell like you buy. When you feel really good when you're selling, your client feels really good about buying. We'll explore how to truly EMBODY what you sell, so that people intuitively know and can feel that they want to work with you.


Your Business Matrix has a life force and energy field on its own. We'll learn how to tune in and communicate with your Business so that you can make even more powerful decisions that are aligned for you.


Your Money Matrix is a collection of all of the beliefs that you've had before around money. Together we can detangle some of the 'yucky money stories' and step into a more empowering relationship and connection to money.


We'll tune into ways of understanding the Femme + Masculine energetics that creates momentum and magnetism so that you can work smarter not harder.

Wealthy Giving + Receiving

Exploring a next level understanding of generosity and gratitude, we get to tune into how to give and receive in a way that feels really good so that you can increase your impact and increase your income. As you give, so shall you receive. This Universal Principle will take you to your personal next level wealth.


Celebration and Joy Beams are key to vibrating the people, the situations, the experiences that you're desiring in your world. We'll get to clear away old embedded guilt so that you can access your own next level celebration vibes.

What is the Learning Style + Format? 

This course will be very engaging, interactive and experiential. As you receive the light code activations you may feel or experience tummy gurgling, body shaking, or waves of sensations throughout your body as your cells re-organize themselves.

We Start Feb. 22nd - March 4th
(11 Days of PURE MAGIC. Experience speed of light evolution.)

✨ FB LIVE @ 1:11pm PST Daily

✨ Collective Learning + Evolving in FB Community

✨ Light Code Activation Videos (11+ Videos)

✨ PlayBook Awakening Journal Prompts

✨ LIFETIME ACCESS to content

I am so excited to take this extraordinary journey with you.

I am so honored to get to bring this channeled information to you. My light guides will be working with me every step of the way, so I will be learning, growing and evolving alongside you. Thank you for saying yes to this evolution and transformation together! For us and for the planet! It's truly time for us to access a new level of ease and wealth together. Let your soul sing and dance as you open new portals of wealth and new ways of being. xo

sparkly self love investment


pay in full

  • ✨FB LIVE @ 1:11pm PST Daily

    (11 days of magic Feb. 22nd - March 4th)

    ✨ Collective Learning + Evolving in FB Community

    ✨ Light Code Activation Videos (11+ Videos)

    ✨ PlayBook Awakening Journal Prompts

    ✨ LIFETIME ACCESS to content

Yes! Pay in FULL Vibes!

sparkly self love payment plan

$388 per month for 6 months

payment plan

  • ✨ FB LIVE @ 1:11pm PST Daily 

    (11 days of magic Feb. 22nd - March 4th)

    ✨ Collective Learning + Evolving in FB Community

    ✨ Light Code Activation Videos (11+ Videos)

    ✨ PlayBook Awakening Journal Prompts

    ✨ LIFETIME ACCESS to content

Woohoo! Ready for Upgrades!

Craving More Touch?

If you LOVE high touch coaching, then you'll love my 1:1 container. Here we get to dive deep into your Human Design and Gene Keys so that you're operating at your fullest alignment. With the power of BodyTalk and DNA Light Code Activations, we update your operating system at lightning speed. 


What You'll Receive:
2 x 90 min Masterminds
4 x 60 min Coaching + Energy Activation
30 Days Voxer/Email/Whatsapp Access
Includes FREE Sparkle Academy

you SAVE $2222

This is created for the QUEEN who is ready for incredible momentum in their business creation universe.

Self Love Investment: $8888

YES! I'm ready to be LIT + Powered UP!

Your best life awaits

Thank you for being such a magical part of my world! I am so excited for us to evolve together.. yaaay! xoxo

Take me to my New World!